Consumer Alerts

For important updates on issues affecting the Do Not Call Register.

Be on the alert for scammers during tax time.

Be wary of callers pretending to be from well-known companies or government agencies, claiming there’s a problem with your account or device and wanting remote access to fix it. It‘s probably a scam.

Have you received a call threatening to disconnect your phone service, claiming to be from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) or another government agency? Be wary – this is a scam.

Please sign in to your access-seeker account.

If you don’t have an account you can create one.

All fields marked with * are mandatory

Sign in

This account has been locked and a password reset is required.

Select the reset password button below and an email containing reset instructions will be sent to the email address associated with this account.

If you do not receive an email or the email address is no longer active please call 1300 785 749 for assistance.

Please enter the account email address:

All fields marked with * are mandatory

Password reset

An email will be sent with instructions on how to reset your account password.

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